[Pycon] [new paper] "Cenk Bircanoğlu" - Image Generation with Tensorflow (GANs)
info a pycon.it
info a pycon.it
Mar 28 Nov 2017 09:40:05 CET
Title: Image Generation with Tensorflow (GANs)
Duration: 60 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: en
Type: Talk
Abstract: Python is an opensource language that has a wide community, and nowadays the biggest companies also create frameworks, libraries with Python and open-sourced them. Tensorflow is the most used library in Deep Learning by researchers and there are many examples of various fields like Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, Signal Processing.
Nowadays, GANs collect nearly all interests on it by the Computer Vision experts. There are diverse applications like Colorization, Image Generation, Computer Games and so on.
In this talk, we are going to talk about GANs and the implementation details on Tensorflow which is backed by Google and has the power of either work on CPU and GPU.
There are also, different kind of GANs, DCGAN, PGGAN, STARGAN, LSGAN, WSGAN etc....
Tags: [u'image-processing', u'computer-science', u'tensorflow', u'ComputerVision', u'Deep-Learning']
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