[Pycon] Aggiornamento testo talk

Nemesis nemesis a ninux.org
Gio 2 Mar 2017 15:55:17 CET

Ciao a tutti,

stavo provando ad aggiornare il testo del mio talk ma non riesco perchè
ricevo il seguente errore di validazione:

Select a valid choice. 30 is not one of the available choices.

Vorrei apportare le seguenti modifiche alla descrizione del talk:


Software architecture is often overlooked: pushed by deadlines and
hurry, we tend to make our applications a giant ball of mud. Here is
where the unix philosophy comes to help.In this talk I will give an
overview of the unix philosophy and I will explain how I have applied it
to django development for the [OpenWISP][1] and [NetJSON][2] projects (a
set of software modules and standard formats that can be used to [deploy
wireless networks and implement a public wifi service][3]) with
encouraging results. In this talk I will cover the benefits and the
downside of such approach, showing example implementations that are
being tested in the real world.

  [1]: http://openwisp.org
  [2]: http://netjson.org/
  [3]: http://openwisp.org/whatis.html
  [5]: http://openwisp.org/images/OpenWISP%20logo.png

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