[Pycon] [new paper] "Jose Manuel Ortega" - Testing Python Security

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Dom 31 Dic 2017 12:01:25 CET

Title: Testing Python Security
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: Python is a language that in a easy way allows to scale up from starter projects to complex applications for data processing and serving dynamic web pages. But as you increase complexity in your applications, it can be easy to introduce potential problems and vulnerabilities.In this talk, I will highlight the biggest problems we can find in python functions, how to avoid them and tools and services that help you identify vulnerabilities in the source code.

These could be the main talking points:

1.Introduction to secure programming in python
2.Introduce dangerous functions for code inyection and how we can solve this issues from a security point of view 
3.Vulnerabilities in web applications 
4.Secure Coding Guidelines for Python 
5.Tools that help us to protect and obfuscate our source code

>From a practical point of view I will show some demos with dangerous python functions and a demo with practical Sql injection example.

Tags: [u'best-practices', u'web-development', u'security', u'testing', u'application-development']

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