[Pycon] [new paper] "Alicia Carr" - The forgotten Coders - The History of Women Coders

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Gio 28 Dic 2017 14:53:43 CET

Title: The forgotten Coders - The History of Women Coders
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: Why women in tech matters in the tech community and how we need men support to work together to fix the problems

I will talk about the history and the statistics of women in tech as well as getting the tech community to grow and support each other that are trying to get into tech. I will also talk about unconscious bias and not only how it affecting our community but how we need to change the way women look like in the tech community. I will also talk about the solution to the problem and we can fix it all together. 

Tags: [u'community', u'education', u'women', u'diversity', u'inclusion', u'empowerment', u'womenintech', u'history', u'Learning environment']

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