[Pycon] [new paper] "Piotr Grzesik" - Virtual environments and dependency management in Python

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Mer 27 Dic 2017 21:59:00 CET

Title: Virtual environments and dependency management in Python
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: en
Type: Talk

Abstract: During my talk I'd like to present what Python has to offer when it comes to virtual environments and how to manage multiple Python environments with pyenv and virtualenv. In the second part I will focus on ways of managing dependencies and why it's worth to think about it.


- Intro (2 mins)
    - Who am I?
    - What I do ?
    - What I will be talking about ?
- Few words about pip (2 mins)
- Managing Python versions and virtual environments (8 mins)
    - Managing Python versions with pyenv
        - What it is and how it works?
        - How to use it ?
    - Virtual environments in Python
        - What it is and how it works?
        - How to use it ?
    - Integration of pyenv and virtualenv
        - How to use it ?
- Few words about conda (2 mins)
- Managing dependencies in Python (8 mins)
    - Why should we care about dependency management?
    - Few words about pipreqs
    - Handling dependencies with pip-tools
        - What it has to offer ?
        - How to use it ?
    - Overview of Pipfile
    - pipenv
        - What it has to offer ?
        - How it works?
- Summary (1 min)
- Q&A session (2 mins)

Tags: [u'dependency-management', u'pip', u'virtualenv', u'pipenv', u'pyenv']

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