[Pycon] [new paper] "Ernesto Arbitrio" - Come provare a rompere pycon.it

info a pycon.it info a pycon.it
Gio 14 Dic 2017 16:35:40 CET

Title: Come provare a rompere pycon.it
Duration: 45 (includes Q&A)
Q&A Session: 15
Language: it
Type: Talk

Abstract: An incomplete proposal is the largest negative factor I consider. If a proposal is incomplete, I can’t really say what the speaker will talk about, or even if they know the subject matter for their talk.

Finally, I consider whether the abstract is compelling. Without regard to the actual subject, is the abstract written in a way to attract an audience? Is it full of boring clichés, vaguely worded assertions about the superiority of one tool over another, cute metaphors, or hand waving? I look for an abstract that shows the speaker is excited about the topic, and that they will be conveying that same excitement to the audience. If a proposal does not have what described above It's important and useful ask the submitter to provide more detail, in this way we could have a fantastic talk or the possibility to give the right rate to the proposal.

So in case you want to ask clarification about the talk or if you want to suggest any edit, open a comment specifying your motivations and clarify what are you asking for.

When you're ready to rate the talks keep in mind that the algorithm used to calculate the rating is the Schulze Method.

Tags: [u'ddd', u'hacking', u'gdb', u'javascript', u'python3', u'emacs', u'CPython', u'configuration-management', u'c#']

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