[Pycon] Fwd: Linux Voice and my blog - very urgent.

Matteo Benci matteo a pycon.it
Mer 29 Apr 2015 11:47:34 CEST

Ragazzi vi chiedo una mano se volete dare un'occhiata all'articolo di 
Josette cosė gli diamo l'OK per la pubblicazione! :)

-------- Messaggio Inoltrato --------
Oggetto: 	Linux Voice and my blog - very urgent.
Data: 	Tue, 28 Apr 2015 14:04:05 +0100
Mittente: 	Josette Garcia <josette.garcia a 2ndquadrant.com>
A: 	'Matteo Benci' <matteo a pycon.it>

Hi Matteo

I would like to put the attached on my blog and also sent it to Linux 
Voice who hopefully will publish it in their new edition. My blog is 
www.josetteorama.com <http://www.josetteorama.com> and you can find info 
on Linux Voice on http://www.linuxvoice.com/.

My blog is pretty poor at the moment as I have not added anything new 
for months but Linux Voice should be good for you guys.

Please please read the attached and correct my mistakes, you can also 
add if you so wish.

Hope to hear from you very soon.


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